Helping parents raise happy, healthy, and self sufficient children without added stress
Our mission is to help first time parents raise happy, healthy, and self-sufficient children without added stress. We are also dedicated to helping families and parents navigate major changes in the family dynamic such as divorce, shifts in custody, and relocations.
First Time Parent assists clients by listening to each individual's needs. Coaching is then tailored to each parent as we work together to achieve the client's goals.
Gabriel is the owner and founder of First Time Parent who combines his 20+ years of teaching experience with his excitement and compassion as a father to every coaching session. Great parenting starts with great parents, and Gabriel is dedicated to helping parents grow and flourish into their best selves so that all children can grow up happy, healthy, and well adjusted.
We are offering an 8 session parent coaching clinic to help first time parents raise happy, healthy, and self-sufficient children without added stress.
Both parents are encouraged to attend each session scheduled for 30 minutes. coaching sessions and discussions are tailored to the parents’ needs towards their desired outcome for their children. The 8 session package includes the following:
We are offering a 5 session Co-Parenting Coaching Clinic that aids parents in improving communication with their co-parent and their child(ren) while ensuring their children flourish and succeed during the shifting of the family dynamic.
Each session is scheduled for 30 minutes and is conducted in a hybrid of both online and in-person coaching. Coaching sessions are tailored in the sessions and discussion to elicit the best possible outcome. The following themes will be explored:
There are multiple categories from which you can choose to either prepare for or enhance your parenting skills. They are the following:
Takes you behind the scenes of parenting but more importantly, fatherhood. While it may look like parenting is easy and I was gifted
with a happy, healthy, and self-sufficient child; it couldn’t be further from the truth. It takes dedication, consistency, hard work, pre-planning, planning, communication, and commitment to make parenting look easy.
After my daughter, Charlotte was born, I took 2.5 years off from the gym to be present for my wife and daughter. In November 2024, I committed myself to getting back in shape. Instead of diving into doing cardio and lifting weights, I took inventory of my body. My first step to getting in shape was to build a strong foundation by becoming both mobile and flexible. After a challenging and painful 6.5 weeks of hard work during winter, I finally achieved my goal.
After successfully achieving my mobility and flexibility goals, I started working on a new goal; nutrition. Before cleaning out my fridge and starting a multiple meal per day plan consisting of proteins, carbs, and fats, I strengthened the foundation of my meal plan by writing out my 24 hour plan, first. Then, I made time to eat and hydrate sensibly at least three times a day. The next step was adding two mid day snacks and so on. I treated this experience as a transition from eating and drinking whenever to a strict nutrition schedule. In 30 days, I achieved my goal.
Written from the perspective of an infant, Newborn: My Story is a (4) book series that focuses on the first twelve (12) months of Charlotte’s life.
I AM A TODDLER is a series in progress written from the perspective of the toddler herself, Charlotte who continues to share her story of how she is being raised by her parents.
MY FIRST SPRING BREAK tells the story of Charlotte’s first-ever vacation in South Lake Tahoe and her first-ever hike on the Rubicon Trail from her perspective.
This is Charlotte’s reflective autobiography written and illustrated by her father. The book sets the standard for Charlotte from Earth to Proxima Centauri B; a habitable planet where Captain Charlotte Lei Spartan has found a way to enter the planet and land her spaceship on its surface.
The funds raised for First Time Parent will be used for advertising to increase our presence within the community and online by working closely with marketing specialists.